Thursday, 27 January 2011

There are paw paw and mango trees and other trees with enormous pods. Not sure what they are, but will try and find out. 

Ants make enormous ant hills in the sand. This one is 4cm in diameter.

These two boys asked to have their photo taken while I was taking a  picture of the baobab tree.
A lizard basking in the sun in the garden in Katima

Tadpoles in a muddy puddle in the middle of a sandy road. They weren't there the day before.
Lots of  frogs and toads here.

Haven’t seen any elephants or big animals yet, but have seen many of these centipedes. They are up to 10cm  long and crawl about everywhere, through sand, grass and even in the house. 

There are also these very colourful grasshoppers, which are about 3cm long and very attractive.

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